We’re entering a world that rewards guts, action, execution, total commitment, responsibility and initiative over work placements and qualifications.
Schlagwort: corporate
>> Microsoft’s Biggest Miss Like the curtain finally falling from the Wizard of Oz to find just a small, frail, man pretending to be far more powerful and relevant than he really was. Microsoft’s biggest miss was allowing the world to finally see the truth behind the big lie — they were not needed to get real work… >> Microsoft’s Biggest Miss weiterlesen
>> All or something The marginal value of the last hour put into a business idea is usually much less than the first. The world is full of ideas that can be executed with 10 to 20 hours per week, let alone 40. The number of projects that are truly impossible unless you put in 80 or 120… >> All or something weiterlesen
>> Planettigkeiten, Austausch von Das ist mir mehr noch beim Lesen der Kommentare als beim eigentlichen Text von Peter Breuer selbst aufgefallen. Ja, Problem erkannt – aber die Eigenverantwortung mal ganz schnell von sich weisen. Immer die anderen.
>> Give Your Employees Unlimited Vacation Days The pessimists and naysayers have said this policy would either be abused or that it’s not entirely real—that our employees feel pressured to never take off. I assure you they’re underestimating a positive work culture and are simply wrong. Also, I feel sorry for their workplace.