>> Bits as a Service

tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2011/12/04/Information-wants-to-be-free I’ll grant that the distinction between bits-as-bits and bits-as-a-service may not always be obvious. But it’s crucial, because people will pay for only one of the two. What seems crucial in making the distinction is that in the case of a service, I’m paying ahead, for a predictable response to the unpredictable future.

>> On the Tab Labels in the New Twitter App for iPhone

inessential.com/2011/12/08/on_the_tab_labels_in_the_new_twitter_app. How many times have you been to a product website and seen big bold letters proclaiming that you can CONNECT and ENGAGE and DISCOVER? Every time I see that, I hit the back button, and I bet you do too. It’s because it’s vague. It’s supposed to sound exciting, but it’s not. It doesn’t… >> On the Tab Labels in the New Twitter App for iPhone weiterlesen