waxy.org/2011/12/no_copyright_intended. YouTube’s tried to combat these misconceptions with its Copyright School, but it seems futile. For most people, sharing and remixing with attribution and no commercial intent is instinctually a-okay.
Schlagwort: Digitale Revolution
>> The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin
wired.com/magazine/2011/11/mf_bitcoin/all/1. “You could say it’s following Gartner’s Hype Cycle,” London-based core developer Amir Taaki says, referring to a theoretical technology-adoption-and-maturation curve that begins with a “technology trigger,” ascends to a “peak of inflated expectations,” collapses into a “trough of disillusionment,” and then climbs a “slope of enlightenment” until reaching a “plateau of productivity.” By this… >> The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin weiterlesen
>> Das Twitter-Debakel von Bielefeld
heise.de/tp/artikel/35/35958/1.html. „Die These von der Filtersouveränität wird inzwischen als prophylaktische Allzweck-Apologie für nahezu alle Verhaltensweisen im Web 2.0 missbraucht. Unter den paradiesischen Bedingungen des Pull-Mediums wird der Produzent – bis auf wenige Ausnahmen – von der Verantwortung für die Inhalte entbunden und fortan ist der Rezipient der Dumme, wenn er auf Facebook ein peinliches Partybild… >> Das Twitter-Debakel von Bielefeld weiterlesen
>> Whatever works for you
marco.org/2011/11/28/whatever-works-for-you. I bet very few other phones, if any, would work exactly the way he wants with no other modifications to his setup. But that also doesn’t really matter. He got a product that claimed to work in his setup, but when he tried it, it didn’t. I choose to fit myself into most of… >> Whatever works for you weiterlesen
>> The Time of Pattern Recognition
blog.echovar.com/?p=4168. If there’s an economics to information flow, it’s based on the production and consumption of patterns of bits. It might not even matter what the pattern consists of, if the cost of the transaction wrapper is sufficiently small, any pattern can serve as an economic vehicle. And once this has occurred, the value of… >> The Time of Pattern Recognition weiterlesen